Lecturer and Nollywood actress Omowunmi Dada shared the ordeal she faced in a movie in Oyo. She narrated how she was abandoned after contracting a deadly disease, Sepsis. She added how heartbreaking it was for her.
Omowunmi Dada, a Nollywood actress, has revealed how she caught sepsis during a movie shoot in Oyo State.
Dada revealed her personal story in response to her colleague Jemima Osunde’s health issues caused by eating contaminated food in a movie set in Ibadan. Read here
She revealed that she was abandoned in a hotel, and her family and management rushed her to the hospital unconscious.
Dada responded to Osunde’s tweet on X on Friday by writing, ”My dear… I got sepsis on a project in Oyo, and they literally left me in the hotel.
“Thank God my family and management got a car to take me to a hospital in Ibadan. I got there unconscious. It was sepsis, and I was lucky to be alive.”
Omowunmi further added that the production company, despite her critical condition, requested a full refund.“
Funny thing, production asked for full refund. Hmm…” she added.
OMG! Sepsis? Thank God for your life, sis! Thank God!” Osunde replied.
She added, “Sameeee! I got myself to Lagos and to the hospital. Paid for my treatment myself. They were sending me messages about a refund. By the time my team sent a response with all the clauses they had breached in the contract, they went quiet. Talking about a refund when you haven’t even asked if I’ve recovered.”
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