Samsung launched the Galaxy S25 series with the Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy chipset. Samsung has collaborated with Qualcomm to tailor the Snapdragon 8 Elite for its latest flagship smartphones.
The new chipset uses Qualcomm’s Oryon CPU cores to boost performance. The graphics and neural performance units have also been upgraded to elevate the user experience.
Qualcomm, in its press release, also highlighted that Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy is specifically tailored in collaboration with Samsung for the Galaxy S25 series to meet high demands in:
- AI
- Mobile gaming
- Camera capabilities
- Connectivity
Here’s a detailed spec sheet for the Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy in the Galaxy S25 series:
Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy
- CPU: Qualcomm Oryon CPU (Second Generation)
- 37% performance enhancement
- GPU: Qualcomm Adreno GPU
- 30% performance enhancement
- NPU: Qualcomm Hexagon NPU
- 40% performance enhancement
- 5G:
- Snapdragon X80 5G Modem-RF System
- Wi-Fi:
- Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 Mobile Connectivity System (Wi-Fi 7 support globally)
- Satellite Messaging:
- Snapdragon Satellite (narrowband NTN) natively supported in Android OS
AI Capabilities:
- On-Device AI:
- Enhanced AI capabilities for personalized AI assistants and AI-generated images
- Gemini Experiences:
- Seamless integration for task management, live streaming, and writing assistance
Camera Enhancements:
- Image Quality:
- Enhanced image quality & power consumption efficiency on Galaxy smartphone displays
- Spatio-Temporal Filter (STF):
- Integrated into Qualcomm Spectra ISP for superior low light video capture at 8K 30fps
Power Efficiency:
Optimized for exceptional power consumption efficiency while delivering high performance.
Samsung is shipping the Galaxy S25 series with Snapdragon chipset in all countries. The planned Exynos 2500 chip is being developed for the Galaxy Z Flip 7, scheduled for H2 release.
Qualcomm also has a 7-core Snapdragon 8 Elite version for clients. It has two prime cores and 5 performance cores, offering lesser heat generation. Samsung might use it in future foldable phones and the Galaxy S25 Edge.
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