Snapdragon 8 Elite to bring a massive upgrade to the much anticipated Samsung Galaxy S25 series. With the integration of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology in its latest Snapdragon 8 Elite, Qualcomm brings the promise of a significant UWB upgrade to the Samsung Galaxy S25 series.
The massive groundbreaking news was confirmed by Qualcomm: Samsung’s next-gen Galaxy S smartphones may not require separate UWB technology integration.
Industry experts like AndroidAuthority highlight the in-built UWB feature of the Snapdragon 8 Elite. This assures that all models in the Samsung Galaxy S25 series could potentially support UWB, placing the standard variant on par with the Plus and Ultra models.
A critical part of the Snapdragon 8 Elite is the deeply integrated FastConnect 7900 system, which brings together Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and UWB. This integration will see Samsung potentially adding UWB support to the Galaxy S25 series using the Snapdragon 8 Elite, a prospect that has many tech enthusiasts eagerly waiting.
Historically, Samsung has used separate chip installation to bring UWB to its flagship devices. Previous Snapdragon and Exynos chipsets have allowed for the inclusion of ultra-wide-band technology. However, with the new Snapdragon 8 Elite, Qualcomm has innovatively integrated the UWB technology directly into the board for a powerful performance guarantee.
The Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, recently unveiled by Qualcomm, boasts an in-house Oryon CPU, a superior NPU, and the Adreno GPU. It’s built using a 3nm process node at the TSMC Foundry.
UWB, a short-range wireless communication technology, uses a broad spectrum of frequencies to deliver highly accurate spatial awareness and data transmission. This opens doors to groundbreaking features like digital car keys.
Samsung is likely to unveil the Samsung Galaxy S25 series, which includes Standard, Plus, and Ultra models, in January next year. By the end of the month, we’ll have a better understanding of System on Chip (SoC) distribution with a final decision on the Exynos 2500.